Add Advanced Blog to Wix Site
Velo Code Solution
If you are working on your Wix SEO or simply providing news to your site visitors, you will most likely want to add a blog to your Wix site. Using Velocode, we will add a blog to the Wix site with plenty of core functionality like posting articles, comments, likes, categories and an automatic newsletter.
There is, however number of extensions that can only be coded with Velo at the moment. Amongst them are:
Custom Post page.
Custom Like button.
Custom comments.
Trending posts.
Related posts.
Contact us by phone or fill out the form below, and we will connect a fully functional blog to your Wix website.
Wix Velo Code
Example Code
import wixData from 'wix-data';
import wixLocation from 'wix-location';
let currentPost
$w.onReady(function () {
wixLocation.onChange(() => {
async function init() {
$w("#post").getPost().then(async post => {
currentPost = await loadData(post)
function dataToUI() {
$w("#title").text = currentPost.title
$w("#author").text = `Author: ${}`
$w("#photographer").text = `Photographer: ${currentPost.photographer}`
$w("#strip").background.src = currentPost.coverImage
async function loadData(post) {
let dataFromDB = await wixData.query("collection_name")
.eq("post", post._id)
dataFromDB = dataFromDB.items[0]
return merge(post, dataFromDB)
async function merge(post, extraData) {
return Object.assign({}, post, extraData)
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