In many instances, how a website is displayed on a mobile device can make all the difference in whether the website is a success.
Many people assume that Wix offers a responsive design, but in some instances, the mobile version of a website is a compressed version of the main platform. As such, a Wix mobile site isn’t always as optimised as a desktop should be at least 16 px, but this varied between 17 px and 20 px for mobile devices.
Simply using the same font size could mean the content is challenging to read, which could dissuade visitors from returning to the website.
Avoid the Overuse of Popups
Popups can be a great way of encouraging interaction, but too many of them on a mobile display could mean people are put off when visiting the website.
In instances where popups are present, it is vital that users can ‘X’ the box. Being forced to view information can be frustrating, meaning potential customers will head to the competition in the future.
Edit Images So They’re a Good Fit
Images are essential for both mobile and desktop views, but it is crucial that the pictures add to the experience for mobile users, not hinder it. Website loading speed is important, and large images can make the browsing experience time-consuming.
Cutting back on unneeded images and optimising others for mobile users can make all the difference when searching for conversions online.
Ensure the Menu Can Be Navigated Easily
In most instances, the menu tab will take on the form of a clickable icon, and it’s essential that the menu structure can be navigated using a thumb. If there are a lot of sections within the website, they should be collated within the necessary category.
Mobile users won’t always need to view all the information held on the main website, so users can choose to hide some sections to give the menu a cleaner look.
It can also be helpful.
Fortunately, Wix has recognised the need for an editor for the mobile portion of the website, unveiled in the form of the Mobile Editor. This new addition to Wix ensures both desktop and mobile versions of the website can be formatted to meet the needs of online visitors.
The following is an overview of getting the most from a mobile website made with Wix and some tips to ensure that the website can quickly seize online opportunities.
How to Format Wix Websites for Mobile?
Given the number of people who view content on a mobile device, a Wix website must be optimised for mobile users. Fortunately, a new mobile web editor allows website owners to make changes to the mobile website without affecting the design of the desktop site.
To use this feature, users need to take the following steps.

From the Wix account, open the Website Editor.
Once inside the Website Editor, click on the mobile icon to enter the Mobile Editor.
Changes made will only affect the mobile site.
Once you have finished customising the mobile website, click the Mobile Settings tab, followed by Optimised Mobile View.
Clicking Preview allows users to preview their site before making changes.
Once happy with the changes, click Publish, and the mobile website will be updated.
How To Confirm Whether Wix Mobile Sites are Optimised?
Although a Wix mobile website may look the part, this doesn’t mean that it is optimised for mobile users. Fortunately, there are free tools that can be used to ensure that your website is formatted in a way that is appealing to mobile users.
The Google Webmaster Tool is a free service that allows you to monitor website traffic and ascertain whether a website is mobile-friendly. The Mobile-Friendly Test is a simple but effective tool that helps eliminate the guesswork when formatting a website for mobile users.
Tips to Create the Perfect Wix Mobile Site
Using the Mobile-Friendly Test is ideal for clarifying whether a website is suitable for mobile users. Still, there are plenty of other steps that can be taken to enhance the experience for users further.
Of course, it shouldn’t compromise its brand, but some simple steps can make all the difference in how successful a website is among mobile users.
Use the Appropriate Font Size
Those new to website design may be unsure how to apply fonts when displaying content on different devices. Font sizes on include a search function on the menu so users can type in what they’re searching for and find it easily, ensuring that customers remain on the site longer.
Make All Contact Details Clickable
Having official contact details on the website builds trust with users and makes it easy to contact the business. Creating a mobile Wix site must ensure that phone numbers and email addresses are clickable. An online visitor that has difficulty contacting the company is likely to move onto the competition.
Test the Website on Several Devices (If Possible)
Although you should purchase several devices to ensure a website is working correctly, it can be helpful to check how the website displays on different mobile devices.
For the most part, there should be little issue. However, if a website displays fine on one device but looks out of place on another, further edits may be needed.
Should I Use a Professional for Wix Mobile Web Design?

Wix is a platform that allows users to create a website using drag and drop functionality.
As such, it can be easier to develop websites when compared to other platforms like WordPress.
However, this doesn’t mean that a professional can’t benefit a business wanting to get the most from its Wix website.
Creation of a Wix website by the team of professional wix designers in Davydov Consulting allows business owners to invest their efforts into other areas of the business.